
Brands with brains.

Arquivo de Design

Postal de Natal da Nata Design

Feito em Stop Motion. Composto por 163 fotos.
Podem ver com melhor qualidade no Vimeo da Nata.


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Os 7 ingredientes para o Design Corporativo

1. Logotipo
2. Tipografia
3. Cores
4. A Marca
5. Qualidade
6. Comunidade
7. Cultura…

Para desenvolvimento dos pontos (em inglês) clique aqui.
Fonte: Smashing Magazine
Autor: György Fekete

Stefan Sagmeister – Creative Design

Muito bom.

Entrevista ao Portal

Ler entrevista completa aqui.
Visite o Portal: Tormo Portugal

Já agora, vale a pena pensar nisto.

Packaging Design

Ver mais aqui

7 Principles of Good Design?

1. is a good investment.
This originally started as “Good Design is Good Business” courtesy of Mr. Watson. However in today’s business environment, I belief most people understand this concept, but not many actually see it as an investment that has tangible returns. Therefore most Return on Investment (ROI) calculations can apply here. This means there has to be risk assessments, planning, budget controls, and long term goals set out. It is not, and should never be about making something look good and flogging it for extra cash.

(…) continue reading here.

Paletes de Equipamento.

Basta clicar para ampliar.

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…graças aos designers.

The Art and Science of Web Design: Free ebook Download


Download  (250 pag. 3,5mb)



Olympic Torch Design


A distinctly modern re-interpretation of the traditional wooden torch, in which metal catches fire and burns is the concept behind the design of the torino 2006 olympic torch, conceived by pininfarina. The torch has been developed to fulfil the technical requirements of the IOC : it must never go out, not even in rain, snow, or in winds up to 120 km/h. The flame should never reach higher than 10 cm, and should last 15 minutes. 765 mm high, 108 mm in diameter, and weighing 1850 g, the torch is made in aluminium and contains parts in steel, copper and techno-polymers. 12,000 numbered units will be produced. Over 10,000 torchbearers will carry the flame in every region and province of italy covering over 11,300 kilometres and lasting for 64 days from december 8, 2005 to february 10, 2006.

In DesigBoom

25 Tasty 3D Graphic Design Treats


Clica na imagem para veres os outros 24…

Computer Arts: New Design


A conhecida revista “Computer Arts” chega às bancas na edição de Março com um restyling total.

Podem ver um preview aqui.  É só ir ao canto superior e desfolhar como se da edição em papel se tratasse.

Dá que pensar.


What is Design?



The One Page Graphic Design Portfolio Guide


(…) I have been doing extensive research on portfolio sites lately and what I’ve noticed and I’m sure a lot of you have noticed is the growing popularity of one page portfolio websites. I know some of you might be “anti trends”, but I think this portfolio website format is great for several reasons and I will give you tips on how to create your own one page graphic design portfolio and how you can market it for free.(…)

Artigo Completo Aqui

In YouTheDesigner

Ready for a Career in Design?

(…) The book explains there are basically two paths you you can take, the in-house path or the freelance path, and most designers will do both in their lifetime. Below are some important terms mentioned in the book that will help you when you are searching for a job as a graphic designer…

Artigo Completo Aqui

In YouTheDesigner