
Brands with brains.

Arquivo de Graphic

Os 7 ingredientes para o Design Corporativo

1. Logotipo
2. Tipografia
3. Cores
4. A Marca
5. Qualidade
6. Comunidade
7. Cultura…

Para desenvolvimento dos pontos (em inglês) clique aqui.
Fonte: Smashing Magazine
Autor: György Fekete

Mais Packaging

Ver mais em: Graphic Exchange
…a pedido do Armindo.

25 Tasty 3D Graphic Design Treats


Clica na imagem para veres os outros 24…

Design is…


Graphic Design is…


Graphic Design…


The One Page Graphic Design Portfolio Guide


(…) I have been doing extensive research on portfolio sites lately and what I’ve noticed and I’m sure a lot of you have noticed is the growing popularity of one page portfolio websites. I know some of you might be “anti trends”, but I think this portfolio website format is great for several reasons and I will give you tips on how to create your own one page graphic design portfolio and how you can market it for free.(…)

Artigo Completo Aqui

In YouTheDesigner

Ready for a Career in Design?

(…) The book explains there are basically two paths you you can take, the in-house path or the freelance path, and most designers will do both in their lifetime. Below are some important terms mentioned in the book that will help you when you are searching for a job as a graphic designer…

Artigo Completo Aqui

In YouTheDesigner

Graphic Design Terms

Todos os termos e designações usados em Design gráfico.

Clica para os conheceres de A a Z

in You The Designer