
Brands with brains.

Arquivo de Human Resorces

Fantasias Femininas

Ora aqui estão algumas boas verdades. Ver exemplos aqui.
Fonte: Funtasticus

The Ries Report – What makes a movie star?

The One Page Graphic Design Portfolio Guide


(…) I have been doing extensive research on portfolio sites lately and what I’ve noticed and I’m sure a lot of you have noticed is the growing popularity of one page portfolio websites. I know some of you might be “anti trends”, but I think this portfolio website format is great for several reasons and I will give you tips on how to create your own one page graphic design portfolio and how you can market it for free.(…)

Artigo Completo Aqui

In YouTheDesigner

Ready for a Career in Design?

(…) The book explains there are basically two paths you you can take, the in-house path or the freelance path, and most designers will do both in their lifetime. Below are some important terms mentioned in the book that will help you when you are searching for a job as a graphic designer…

Artigo Completo Aqui

In YouTheDesigner

Need a creative boost? Here’re a few tips from Bruce Mau

From Bruce Mau’s Incomplete Manifesto for Growth

  • Forget about good. Good is a known quantity. Good is what we all agree on. Growth is not necessarily good. Growth is an exploration of unlit recesses that may or may not yield to our research. As long as you stick to good you’ll never have real growth.
  • Love your experiments (as you would an ugly child). Joy is the engine of growth. Exploit the liberty in casting your work as beautiful experiments, iterations, attempts, trials, and errors. Take the long view and allow yourself the fun of failure every day.
  • Capture accidents. The wrong answer is the right answer in search of a different question. Collect wrong answers as part of the process. Ask different questions.
  • Think with your mind. Forget technology. Creativity is not device-dependent.
  • Laugh. People visiting the studio often comment on how much we laugh. Since I’ve become aware of this, I use it as a barometer of how comfortably we are expressing ourselves.

Read the complete article at Mau’s website.

in Behancé 

10+10 Tips Posters

Discover the essentials of project management and dealing with agents with these two posters to download and print out


Ten Ways to Handle An Agent Poster download.


Ten Tips for Perfect Project Management download

in Computer Arts Online.

entrevista com Laura Ries – Conte-nos algumas histórias de sucesso em branding.

Laura Ries – BMW. Em 1974, a BMW vendeu 15.007 automóveis no mercado americano, o que fez da marca a 11ª maior vendedora de veículos europeus. No ano seguinte, a BMW introduziu o seu slogan “The ultimate driving machine.” Em 2005, a BMW foi a marca mais vendida no mercado Americano, com vendas na ordem das 266.200 unidades. O slogan da BMW, the ultimate driving machine, posiciona a marca como o único carro divertido de conduzir. Nenhuma outra marca automóvel foi capaz de capturar o atributo de diversão.

Excerto da Entrevista de Laura Ries ao Portal

Ler Entrevista Completa

how to work better

01. Do one thing at the time

02. Know the problem

03. Learn to Listen

04. Learn to ask questions

05. Distinguish sense from nonsense

06. Accept change as inevitable

07. Admit mistakes

08. Say it simple

09. Be calm

10. Smile

in revista “Creative Review

Vol. 27 nº12, Dec 2007

Oferece-se: integração nas melhores empresas para trabalhar.

Requisitos: Capacidade de aprendizagem, criatividade, atitude positiva e adaptação à mudança.

Para completar, aqui fica o TOP5 do perfil mais valorizado pelas melhores empresas:

1. Capacidade de aprendizagem

2. Alinhamento com a empresa

3. Espírito de equipa

4. Capacidade de comunicação

5. Focalização no negócio

in revista “Executive Digest” nº 21