
Brands with brains.

Arquivo de of

Story Of Stuff

Até assusta. Ver este video muda a nossa perspectiva… resta saber por quanto tempo: 5m ou o resto da vida. É fácil ignorar, difícil é agir. Aconselho vivamente a ver os 20m do video.

The Ries Report – Birth of a Medium

7 Principles of Good Design?

1. is a good investment.
This originally started as “Good Design is Good Business” courtesy of Mr. Watson. However in today’s business environment, I belief most people understand this concept, but not many actually see it as an investment that has tangible returns. Therefore most Return on Investment (ROI) calculations can apply here. This means there has to be risk assessments, planning, budget controls, and long term goals set out. It is not, and should never be about making something look good and flogging it for extra cash.

(…) continue reading here.

The Ries Report – Shape of a Logotype

Duvido que isto seja assim tão linear, mas não deixa de fazer sentido.

The Art and Science of Web Design: Free ebook Download


Download  (250 pag. 3,5mb)






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